The formative years

So as a young adult I grew up pretty quickly as my parents divorced when I was 10 and I was very mature for my age. I was able to relate to older boys and never dated anyone my age. This led to me losing my virginity at 16 to a guy who was 20, and this trend continued throughout my 20s, always dating older guys.

But although I was sexually active fairly young, I was somewhat conservative. I remember thinking porn was gross and I was always off put by public displays of sexuality. I was never the girl at the club that made out with other girls, danced suggestively and experimented. Believe it or not, I am still not that girl. Which makes for interesting times at swinger events or porn conferences, as I believe all that stuff should stay behind closed doors. Weird I know considering how comfortable and open I am about my sexuality but its just the way I am.

So my twenties was somewhat uneventful, I dated older guys, my sex life was average and coincidentally I loved lingerie. From the moment that I needed a bra, I loved lingerie. With the money I made from part time jobs I’d often buy lacy bras and undies and I always thought lingerie was so pretty. Never in a million years though would I have dreamed I’d be modeling lingerie for a living!

It should be noted in here that I had some really bad sexual relationships in my twenties. Situations where I just wasn’t sufficiently turned on by my partner and as any girl that has been through that can relate, things just dry up down there and it doesn’t lead to a good time! So I started doing a lot of reading around sexuality, because the way it was portrayed in the movies just wasn’t how it felt for me most of the time. And I learnt a lot.

Who knew that vaginal orgasms are not the norm? That the sexual experience is completely different for everyone. That there is an insane number of kinks and fetishes and that sex was so damned complicated! It sparked an interest in me and although I had no idea at that time that I would evolve to the lengths that I did, I guess it was the beginning of my intrigue.

Next time; the relationship that changed everything.

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